Little Balboa Island Property Owners’ Association

P.O. Box 74

Balboa Island, CA 92662

Mission Statement

The Little Balboa Island Property Owners' Association

is dedicated to maintaining a safe, enjoyable,

and harmonious neighborhood while increasing

the value of its members' properties.

LBIPOA Board Members

Ken Yonkers, President  949-683-7805
Linda Kensey, Vice President, Airport

Steve Neimeister, Secretary

Annette Giermann, Treasurer, Holiday Party, BIIA Liaison,  

Walter Ferguson
Vickie Girling

Bing Girling, City NB Rep., Little Island Bridge holiday lighting

Mary Anne Hunt

Blake Longo Bay Water Quality

Dick Mays, CERT safety Program

Craig Peskind End of Summer Party

Colleen Smoot

Geof Wickett,  Bridge Flags